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Training Clinic

03_04 OCTOBRE 2025


Join our Training Clinic with Cadaver on Botulinum Toxin A

This intensive program combines theory with hands-on anatomical practice on cadavers
to master the art of aesthetic injections for the face and neck.
Itʼs the perfect opportunity to refine your skills and deepen your knowledge of facial anatomy,
with a detailed study of muscles and injection sites.
By the end of this training, you will enhance your confidence and expertise, ready to integrate
these advanced techniques into your daily clinical practice.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced injector, this Training Clinic with Cadaver
is tailored to all levels.
Boost your practice, improve your results, and offer your patients exceptional injections!

03_04 OCTOBRE 2025


Rejoignez notre Training Clinic sur la Toxine Botulique A

Un programme intensif de deux jours, alliant la théorie, la pratique anatomique sur cadavre
et des one-to-ones, afin de maîtriser l’art des injections esthétiques du visage et du cou.
Cʼest lʼopportunité parfaite pour perfectionner vos compétences et approfondir vos connaissances
en anatomie faciale, avec une étude détaillée des muscles et des sites dʼinjection.
À l’issue de cette formation, vous renforcerez votre confiance et votre expertise, et serez prêt(e)
à intégrer ces techniques avancées dans votre pratique clinique quotidienne.
Que vous soyez débutant ou injecteur expérimenté, ce training clinic sʼadapte à tous les niveaux.
Boostez votre pratique, améliorez vos résultats et offrez à vos patients
des injections dʼexception !

Scientific Committee

Discover the excellence of the scientific committee of our Anatomy and Injections Botilium Toxin Full Face Masterclass, an essential reference for injecting doctors.
Made up of renowned experts in the fields of plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine, our committee guarantees a high-level scientific program.
Recognized for their expertise and significant contributions to medical research, our members provide exceptional quality training, aimed at perfecting participant skills and ensuring the safe and effective practice of botulinum toxin injection. 

Dr Sophie Converset

Facial Plastic Surgeon
Face and neck surgeon

Learn more

Specialized in surgery and medicine facial aesthetics. Professor of Anatomy. Teacher in many university degrees. National and international speaker. Legal expert

Dr Philippe Kestemont

Facial Plastic Surgeon
Face and neck surgeon

Specialized in surgery and medicine facial aesthetics. Professor of Anatomy. Teacher in many university degrees. National and international speaker. Legal expert

Pr Benoit Hendrickx

Plastic surgery
and reconstructive #ARtery3D

Plastic and reconstructive surgery #ARtery3D: the future of fillers. Visualize each artery with to augmented reality during the injection of fillers.

Dr Vania Hiratsuka Dalmedo

Aesthetic practitioner, DDS (BR),
Chartered Examiner (UK), MSc (UK)

Senior clinical professor and manager training activities and engagement external of the master's program in medicine aesthetics at Queen Mary University of London. National and international speaker



    anatomy and injections

    ©2025 Association ALDECEV “Anatomy and Injections“