Dr Philippe Kestemont
Facial Plastic Surgeon
Face and neck surgeon
Specialized in surgery and medicine
facial aesthetics.
Professor of Anatomy.
Teacher in many
university degrees.
National and international speaker.
Legal expert.
Dr Philippe Kestemont shares his expertise on the Botulinum Masterclass
Toxin Full Face
Dr Philippe Kestemont is a leading speaker in the field
of Botulinum Toxin. Since 1996, he has led the annual anatomy course
facial surgery at the School of Anatomy and Surgery of the Faculty
of Medicine of Nice.
The importance of the anatomy masterclass
Over the last two decades, the evolution of treatment techniques
aesthetic has been remarkable, making a thorough understanding imperative
of anatomy. The interest of “plane by plane” anatomical dissection
is to understand the role of each muscle, the depth of the tissues, to see
the anatomical variations, the projection of the noble elements that are the artery
faciale et ses branches,
les veines et les nerfs.
Although anatomy is studied from the first years of medicine,
it is essential to continue to deepen our knowledge to guarantee the
better results for our patients.
An essential session for all doctors
Plastic surgeons, aesthetic doctors or dermatologists, all practitioners will greatly benefit from this session.
Expectations and needs vary, but the lessons are valuable for
all. A driving analogy illustrates the importance of returning regularly
on what they have learned to maintain a high level of skills.
Perfectionnement continu
As an experienced teacher and speaker, I emphasize the importance of
l’amélioration constante des compétences. Chaque année apporte son lot d’innovations et de découvertes. Participer à cette masterclass offre une occasion unique
learning, exchange and professional enrichment.